- /* slflldiv.cpp by K.Tsuru */
- // function ID = 216, 217 DRADIX, BRADIX
- /************************************************************
- SLong and SInteger class
- It provides a quotient m/n and a remainder m%n.
- Depending on the value of "pfLLDiv" the used method is Knuth
- or Newton.
- *************************************************************/
- #ifndef SN_H
- #include "sn.h"
- #endif
- // static objects of SLong class
- int SLong::llDivMode = SLong::reset;
- static const char* const func = "LLDiv";
- // m = n*q + r, verifying function
- static void DivVerify(const SLong& m, const SLong& n, const Ldiv_t& r){
- const char* const divfunc = (SLong::LLDivMode() == m.Knuth) ? "KnuthLLDiv" : "NewtonLLDiv";
- SLong t;
- int c = LLCompare(n, r.rem), err; //Must be c > 0 (|n| > |r.rem|).
- if( c <= 0 ) err = 1; // r < n ?
- else {
- SLong t;
- t = m - r.quot*n - r.rem; //t must be equal to zero.
- err = t.Sign(216);
- }
- if(err) SNManager::SetError(m.VERIFY, divfunc, 216);
- }
- //m/n, The number of figures of n is two or under.
- static int DivByShort(const SLong& m, const SLong& n, Ldiv_t& r){
- ulong d = n.Low2(); //d=n(1)*radix+n(0)
- if( d <= m.SlOpMaxValue() ){ //multi-precision integer/short integer
- long rem = 0;
- // r.quot = m/|n|
- if(d > 1uL) r.quot = LsDiv( m, d, &rem);//r.quot has tha same type as m.
- else r.quot = m; // |n| = 1, rem = 0;
- if(n.Sign() < 0) r.quot.ChangeSign(); // quot != 0, d>0, n<0
- r.rem.SetLong(rem); //The sign of "r.rem" is the same as that of "m",
- //which is considered in LsDiv() for "rem".
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- Ldiv_t LLDiv(const SLong& m, const SLong& n, bool needRem){
- //If "verify" is ON it calcutates the remainder.
- if(SNManager::Verify() == ON) needRem = true;
- if( !n.Sign() ) m.SetError(m.DIVIDED_BY_ZERO, func, 216); // n=0
- int c = LLCompare(m, n); //comparing the largeness
- int sgn = m.Sign(216)*n.Sign(216); //the sign of quotient
- Ldiv_t result;
- result.quot.SetType(m.Type()); result.rem.SetType(m.Type());
- // |n| > 0
- if(c < 0){ // 0=< |m| < |n| quotient=0, remainder=m
- result.quot.SetZero(); result.rem = m;
- } else if(c == 0){ // |m| = |n| (!= 0)
- result.quot = sgn; result.rem.SetZero();
- }
- if(c <= 0) return result;
- // |m| > |n|
- if( (n.aHead > 0) && ( m.Type() != n.Type() ) ){
- m.SetError(m.RADIX_ERR, func, 216);
- }
- // n has two or under figures including the case |n| = 1.
- if( (n.Head() <= 1u) && DivByShort(m, n, result) ) return result;
- //The registration of default division function.
- // if(m.pfLLDiv == NULL) m.UsesKnuthLLDiv();
- //Check n = abcd efgh ... 0000 0000 or not.
- if(n.Tail() >= 4u){ //It divides m and n by the power of radix.
- //The quotient of 1234567/12000 can be obtained by 1234/12 = 102
- //and its remainder 1234567-102*12000=10567.
- SLong mc(m), nc(n);
- int divRdxPow = (int)n.Tail();
- //divide by R^divRdxPow
- mc.MultPowRdx(-divRdxPow); nc.MultPowRdx(-divRdxPow);
- //recursive call
- //maybe "nc < SlOpMaxValue()"
- result = LLDiv(mc, nc, 0);
- if(!needRem) return result;
- //remainder r=m-n*q
- result.rem = m - result.quot*n;
- if(mc.Verify()) DivVerify(m, n, result);
- return result;
- }
- SLong M(Labs(m)), N(Labs(n)); // M = |m|, N = |n|
- /*
- It returns the result.
- About the relations between quotient and remainder.
- m=n*q+r
- If the quotient is defined by the integral division q=m/n, when m<0 and n>0,
- q<0 and r<0.
- [Example]
- When m=-5 and n = 4, q = -5/4=-1 and r = -1.
- -5 = 4*(-1)+ (-1)
- Then the remainder has the same sign as that of m.
- q = 5/(-2) = -2
- r = 5 - (-2)*(-2) = 1 > 0
- 5 = (-2)*(-2) + 1
- */
- // cout << M.llDivMode << "in LLDiv" << endl;
- if(M.llDivMode & M.SetByUser) {
- result = (M.llDivMode & M.Newton) ? M.NewtonLLDiv(M, N, needRem) : M.KnuthLLDiv(M, N, needRem);
- } else {
- M.llDivMode = M.NewtonLLDivIsFaster(M, N) ? M.Newton : M.Knuth;
- result = (M.llDivMode == M.Newton) ? M.NewtonLLDiv(M, N, needRem) : M.KnuthLLDiv(M, N, needRem);
- }
- // cout << M.llDivMode << "in LLDiv" << endl;
- if(sgn < 0) result.quot.SetSign(-1); // result.quot = -result.quot
- if(m.Sign() < 0) result.rem.ChangeSign(216);//It allows the case that rem==0.-0=0
- // result.rem = -result.rem
- // check m = q*n + r
- if(M.Verify()) DivVerify(m, n, result);
- return result;
- }
- // 217
- SLong LLDiv(const SLong& m, const SLong& n) {
- Ldiv_t r = LLDiv(m, n, 0);
- return r.quot;
- }
slflldiv.cpp : last modifiled at 2016/07/28 16:09:14(4,408 bytes)
created at 2017/10/07 10:26:50
The creation time of this html file is 2017/11/09 14:52:03 (Thu Nov 09 14:52:03 2017).